Please read before booking
Q: Does going to a dungeon mean I'm not normal?
A: Certainly not! There are more kinky people than you would guess. Pursuing your private desires with a professional assures your safety and satisfaction. It is likely to be an extremely fulfilling experience to explore your interests in this manner.
Q: I have an interesting request... Is there anyone that can do that?
A: Yes! In most cases, any of our Mistresses can accommodate your fantasy. We are a highly skilled and well-versed group of Dommes.
Q: Can I have a session for more than an hour?
A: Absolutely. We charge in 30 minute increments, with a one hour minimum.
Q: Do you offer discounts?
A: No. Sessions are just $300/hr., making Red Door the largest AND most affordable professional dungeon in the area.
Q: What is the procedure for booking a session?
A: Sessions are booked via phone call only. Please call prepared to answer the following: Which Mistress you would like to serve? Day/time and length of visit? The top 2-3 interests you plan to explore during your visit?
Calling several days in advance increases the likelihood of your preferred day/time being available. On the day of your session, you MUST call two hours in advance
of your session time to confirm. You will receive the dungeon address at the time of confirmation.
Q: Where are you located?
A: We are located in our privately-owned building, with a private parking lot in Downtown Cleveland, Ohio near Burke Lakefront Airport. The exact address will be provided upon confirmation of your session.
Q: What are your hours?
A: The dungeon is open by appointment only, 10 AM-10 PM Monday through Saturday.
Our business offices are open 10 AM-7 PM Monday through Friday.
Please call during Our business hours to schedule, or call once and leave a voicemail and We will return your call when Our offices open.
Q: What can I expect during my first visit?
A: On the day of your visit, you will confirm two hours prior to your visit. You will present yourself at the door at your appointed time-not early or late. If you are more that five minutes late without reaching out, your booking may be canceled. Upon arrival, your Mistress will grant you access to the dungeon, where you will fill out your first-time visitor form. Your form will serve as a springboard for discussing the goals and limits of this session, and all future sessions.
Q: May I send my Mistress a gift?
A: You may! While your Mistress may have a wishlist with shipping info all set up (feel free to inquire about links), any packages requiring a shipping address should be sent to:
P.O. Box 771712
Lakewood Oh 44107
Be sure to include a note with your name and the name of your Mistress.